Vibrant and Healthy

Sliding Scale: $90 to $180

PLEASE NOTE: This course starts on January 01, 2024.

See the information below. The suggested contribution for this five-week immersion is $180 (See below for scholarship information.)


Mondays from 10 AM to 11:15 AM (Pacific Time) 

Jan 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Late Joiners

You are welcome to sign up for this offering until the last day of class. For those who join late, you will be provided with recordings of past classes and invited to join the upcoming classes in a live Zoom broadcast. Videos will be available for three months for review.

Vibrant and Healthy

Welcome to a transformative journey with our foundational 5-week course in Yin Yang Medical Qigong, where ancient wisdom meets modern understanding, a holistic QigongDharma approach to health and well-being.

This course is grounded in the esteemed teachings of Qigong Grand Master Jianye Jiang, complemented by my extensive research and practical experience in the patterns and processes of Medical Qigong as a form of Energetic Medicine.  By the end of this course, you will have learned unique patterns of qigong and integrated fluid sequences, all aimed at creating and maintaining vibrant health by positively impacting the whole person in all dimensions of our human lives.  This isn’t just a course of study; it’s a pathway to a revitalized self, integrating body, mind, and spirit.

Our focus deeply engages these practices and principles to create and maintain vibrant health and well-being; it is not about specific diagnoses and prescriptions of various conditions and imbalances but about improving global wellness.

Designed with simplicity, our practice allows for a harmonious integration of movement, breath, and intention.  This mindful synchronization not only enhances the experience but maximizes the benefits.

At the heart of this practice lies the Yin Yang Principle of balancing the body’s bio-electrical energy, commonly known as “Qi.”  This balance is achieved through a holistic process of specific qigong exercises designed for this purpose.

Traditionally, Medical Qigong practitioners may employ energy techniques to aid others, addressing various issues ranging from physical injuries to deeper spiritual needs such as soul retrieval.  Our approach in this course is not focused on ‘curing’ specific ailments.  Instead, we emphasize cultivating overall well-being, with the understanding that, in this process, certain health conditions may see positive changes.  The wise practice of Medical Qigong advocates for a holistic lifestyle that nurtures well-being in every facet of life.  Integral to this lifestyle are these key elements:

  •    A well-balanced diet
  •    Quality sleep that rejuvenates
  •    Exercise routines that meet your needs
  •    Consistent and dedicated practice

These foundational aspects lay the groundwork for achieving and maintaining optimal health.

Moreover, Medical Qigong stands as an exceptional complement to conventional allopathic medicine.  It combines the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), including qigong, offering successful interventions for conditions sometimes left unaddressed by Western medicine.

While we recognize that qigong is not a universal remedy, it stands as a practical, complementary, and empowering approach to health and well-being.  This course is an invitation to embark on a path toward a balanced mind, body, and spirit.  Embracing Medical Qigong is a means to a vibrant and healthier lifestyle.

Join us in this transformative experience and step into the living wisdom of a new Vibrant, Healthy YOU!

To embody the spirit of generosity in modern times, we have created a sliding scale for our offerings to honor individual situations.  If the low end of the sliding scale is still not affordable, we invite you to request a scholarship and contribute the amount appropriate for you.  All requests need to be made at least 72 hours before the session begins.  All communication is confidential.

Scholarship Request Code: VH010124 (Copy this code for use on the request form)

Request a Scholarship